Open Daily 5AM - 11PM
- Restaurants: Table Linens, Napkins, Uniforms
- Hotels, Motels, Airbnb
- Medical, Hospitals, Doctors, Nurses
- Veterinary, Pet Stores, Groomers
- Salons & Barber Shops
- Spas, Tanning, Massage Centers
- Fitness Centers, Gyms
- Universities & Colleges
Towels, Sheets, Pillowcases, Blankets, Bedding, Tablecloths, Patient Gowns
& much more!
Let Speedwash take care of all your Laundry needs.
Conveniently schedule your Residential or Commercial Laundry Pickup:
Speedwash Laundromat and Water Store
1708 W Chapman Ave, Orange, CA 92868, US
Site Created By: QuickSmart Social Media Marketing & Web Design
Copyright© 2025 Speedwash Laundromat & Water Store
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